Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission REACHING THE LOST Luke 15:4-7; Acts 8: 26-38; Matt 28:19, 20. RAISING THE BELIEVER Acts 2: 41-46; Mark. 16:16; 2 Timothy. 3:16, 17. RESOURCING THE SENT Philippians 4:15-16 1 Timothy 5:17 Acts 19: 8-10. RELEASING THE CALLED Acts 13:1-3 Acts 14:26

Vision Statement

Vision Statement

Vision Statement We see River of Life Community Church as: A church that transcends race, class, gender and cultural barriers both in leadership and general membership; a bridge builder, joining together believers of diverse backgrounds, within and around Sheffield (Acts 13:1; 8:4, 5). A church that encourages and honours team ministry, without downplaying the need for a principal leader,...

Core Values

Core Values

Core Values Personal Lifestyle We encourage every member to embrace a lifestyle that is consistent with the Word of God. They should be determined to be ‘a doer’ and not just ‘a hearer’ of the Word. Personal Spiritual Growth We encourage every member to seek to break free from all manner of personal and societal...

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith The teachings and practices of River of Life Community Church are based on these beliefs as taught in the Word of God: The Bible: The Old and New Testament books of the Bible (excluding the Apocrypha) are divinely inspired of God; hence they constitute the only infallible guide in faith and practice (2...