Bible College

Bible College

Emmaus School of Theology

Our five-year vision launched in 2017 included among many other things, starting a Bible school by the year 2023, at the very latest. God has been gracious to us. He brought this plan forward; Emmaus School of Theology (ESOT) opened its doors this April 2019.


ESOT places emphasis on helping students discover the riches of God’s Word, developing faith and acquiring confidence in spreading the gospel.


We introduce students to a learning culture that is interdisciplinary by nature and sharpens their communication and analytical skills through rigorous studentship and inquiry.

Whether one is training for church-based ministry, missions or ‘market-place’ ministry, this is the right place to be, as we bring faith and context together, dissect and analyse the realities of life and explore questions related to spirituality, beliefs and faith practices.

If you need more information please see Pastor Alex or call.